Tenor Matheus Pompeu, who achieved first place in the 4th International Adam Didur Opera Singers' Competition (Poland, 2019), has performed on important stages in Germany, Austria, Spain, and Poland: Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, Theater an der Wien in Vienna, Palau de les Arts in Valencia, Opera de Oviedo in Asturias, Auditorio Nacional in Madrid, and National Opera of Warsaw.
His operatic repertoire includes titles such as La Traviata, Rigoletto, Nabucco, and Il Corsaro by G. Verdi; La Bohème and Madama Butterfly by G. Puccini; Halka and Flis by S. Moniuszko; and L'Orfeo by C. Monteverdi. In the symphonic repertoire, notable works are G. Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle; the Solemn Mass Op.123 and Symphony No. 9 "Choral" by L. W. Beethoven; and A. Dvořák's Stabat Mater Op.58.
His various collaborations with the prestigious ensemble Europa Galante and conductor Fabio Biondi are significant. He has recorded three complete operas under the label of the Chopin Institute of Warsaw: Flis and Halka (nominated for the International Opera Awards 2019) by S. Moniuszko; and Il Corsaro by G. Verdi (nominated for the Longlist 2022 in Germany).
Matheus Pompeu lives in Spain since 2017. He is Brazilian, born in Minas Gerais, and studied with Isabel Maresca in São Paulo. In Europe, he studied with Jaime Aragall, Plácido Domingo, Mariella Devia, and Ernesto Palacio. He was honored by the City of Campinas with the Carlos Gomes Medal for cultural merit due to his contribution in the field of music and culture in Brazil.
Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater Season 2019-2020
Eine faszinierende Gestalt ist der brasilianische Tenor Matheus Pompeu als Herzog von Mantua. Die Stimme passt perfekt dazu: keine Spur von Unsicherheit oder Schwäche. Pompeu kann aus dem Vollen schöpfen, er spart sich nicht auf. Kraftvoll ist sein Ton, mitunter leidenschaftlich ausufernd, geradezu aufreizend vital. Nach gut zwei Stunden kann er sich noch leichtfüßig und beschwingt verabschieden mit seinem erschütternd deplatzierten "La donna è mobile".
Uma figura fascinante é o tenor brasileiro Matheus Pompeu como o Duca di Mantova. A voz se encaixa perfeitamente: nenhum traço de insegurança ou fraqueza. Pompeu pode tirar o máximo proveito de tudo, e ele não se poupa. Seu tom é poderoso, às vezes transbordante de paixão, quase provocativamente vital. Depois de pouco mais de duas horas, ele ainda pode se despedir e se divertir com sua chocante "La donna è mobile".
Von Karin Erichsen
Pompeu verleiht seiner Partie tenorale Strahlkraft und vokalen Glanz, ohne je forcieren zu müssen. Gleichzeitig verkörpert er die ebenso machtbewussten wie vergnügungssüchtigen Facetten der Persönlichkeit des Herzogs mit adäquater, auch schauspielerischer Schmierigkeit.
Pompeu confere ao seu personagem vivacidade e um brilhantismo vocal sem usar a força. Ao mesmo tempo ele encarna as facetas da personalidade do Duca, consciente de seu poder e caráter libertino, com adequada interpretação teatral.
Von Guido Krawinkel
Das beginnt bei dem Herzog von Mantua, der in der Besetzungsliste den Anfang macht. Ihn sang ein Gast, der Brasilianer Matheus Pompeu, mit strahlend italienischem Timbre. Sein Tenor war sehr wendig, kraftvoll in allen Lagen. Sein agiles Spiel überzeugte ebenso, wurde zum dynamischen Mittelpunkt der wenig honetten Gesellschaft, leichtsinnig und skrupellos. Doch konnte er auch seine vermeintlich ehrliche Zuneigung stimmlich recht glaubhaft modulieren”.
Começamos com o Duca di Mantova que foi cantado por um convidado, o brasileiro Matheus Pompeu, com um radiante timbre italiano. O tenor era muito ágil e poderoso em todas as situações. Sua interpretação cênica também foi igualmente convincente, se convertendo no centro dinâmico de uma sociedade pouco respeitável, imprudente e sem escrúpulos. Mas, ele também podia modular sua voz em um tom de sincero afeto de maneira bastante crível.
Por Arndt Voß
Chopin Festival and National Polish Opera, Warsaw
For a change, Matheus Pompeu turned out to be Jontek – not only a beautiful voice, but also a fairly free technique, and in addition the only singer who tried to create a character. It was even visible, because he turned to his partners with gesticulation, but above all it was heard, because only he built emotional phrases. And as the only soloist he sang so clearly that one could guess that he knows and understands words.
POLSKIE RADIO, Jakub Puchalski (in Polish)
The unquestionable star of the evening was the Brazilian tenor Matheus Pompeu, who created Jontek. It is a fantastic, dramatic voice with a beautiful deep color, great technically and interpretably – the unforgettable aria “Szumią jodły na gór szczycie” in its performance has received a well-deserved long ovation.
DOLCE TORMENTO, Iwona Ramotowska
The Brazilian tenor Matheus Pompeu performed the part of Jontek in Italian-language “Halka” by Moniuszko. With pleasure you could listen to the beautiful phrasing and delight with the southern, sunny colour of the voice of the singer.
VISSI D’ARTE, Beata Fischer
Il tenore brasiliano ha dalla sua la bellezza degli accenti, lo slancio pplause ative e il controllo del fraseggio che si rivela appieno in “Fra gli abeti il vento geme” (“Szumią jodły na gór szczycie”), toccante aria pervasa dal lacrimevole suono dell’oboe e accolta dagli pplause convinti del pubblico.
CONNESSI ALL’OPERA – recensione di Francesco Bertini
Nominate to International Opera Award 2020
The hero Jontek, a part taken here by the exciting young Brazilian tenor Matheus Pompeu, who sings with power and pathos and brings appealing colors to Jontek’s dumka/canzone.
Opera Magazine